Building runC on LFS
Today I receive a email from docker news about runC, seems to be a new way to run containers, In readme it's just a make, but it's never so simple on a LFS.
$GOPATH not set:
$ make go get package cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help gopath make: ** [all] Erro 1
Easily set by $PWD, but
$ GOPATH=$PWD make go get godep go build -o runc . make: godep: Command not found make: *** [all] Error 127
anyway, the previous command showed us from where godep command came and that go tried to get it, so where is it?
$ find -name godep ./src/ ./bin/godep
then the problem is only path.
$ PATH=$PATH:bin GOPATH=$PWD make go get godep go build -o runc .
or just copy bin/godep to /usr/bin.
sudo cp -v bin/godep runc /usr/bin Password: “bin/godep” -> “/usr/bin/godep” “runc” -> “/usr/bin/runc” $ runc FATA[0000] runc should be run as root $ sudo runc JSON specification file for container.json not foundSeems to be ok, now let's learn something new. But I'll do it in another post.